
The camera module contains all classes and functions related to the Camera in nTiled. The Camera class acts as a facade, facilitating interactions between the rest of the program and the camera module. The control scheme of the Camera is controlled by the CameraControl class.

Camera Model

In order to ensure no errors in communication are made, the following naming conventions were adopted within the camera module:


The location of the camera is specified by Eye vector. The look at point is defined by the centre, finally the local y-direction is controlled by the Up-vector.

Furthermore each camera has a limited space it will display. This space is controlled by the z-near and z-far values. These in combination with the field of view and aspect ratio values determine the view frustrum.

The field of view values are all specified in degrees. The eye, centre and z-depth values are all defined in world coordinates.

Camera Input

In order to control the Camera the following classes are implemented: * TURNTABLE: allows a direct user controlled input similar to the controls in blender

  • PATH: Loads a file containing the lookat matrices per frame. It will render these sequentially.